Franklyn 18th July 2016

A Brother like you…..everyone should have! I remember how you took the role of the ‘Big Brother’ in many many ways. You generously took interest in the education and financial needs of the ‘Little Ones’ (your younger siblings). You truly went Above and Beyond. When our mother and father passed on, in your eulogy you said that two links were broken. Since then two other links were broken with the passing of our two brothers Elmo and Alex. Now that my big brother has passed, the main link is now broken. I know that you are in a place where there is no suffering and with our creator. I know you will join all the broken links back together. It is very hard to accept that you left this earth and your presence will be missed in so many ways. You have left me with so many wonderful memories. One memory that I will always treasure is my vacation with you and Esther. You still treated me like a little brother never letting me pay for anything. You would even hold my hand to safely cross the road. That’s my BIG BROTHER! May you rest in peace. Your little brother Franklyn